Infection Prevention and Control

Our Infection Control and Prevention lead nurse is Mary Edmunds.

All GPs and staff at Portishead Medical Group are committed to minimising the risk of infection and ensuring the safety of our patients.

Incidents and Outbreaks of Infection

Infection Control Audits

Staff Training

Policies and Procedures

We are pleased to report that during 2019 there have been no incidents or outbreaks of infection at Portishead Medical Group

Audits are completed every six months and actions have been taken.

All rooms have daily cleaning schedules and every room is inspected weekly to ensure standards are being met. 

Risk Assessments for Infection Control have been completed.

All staff have received training in hand hygiene and infection prevention and control issues.

All our policies and Procedures are reviewed annually.


If you have any comments or suggestions you would like to make about our Infection Control Programme please leave them in the Suggestion Box at reception.