Mission Statement and Patient Charter

Mission Statement and Patient Charter

Our Mission Statement sets out what we will do and what we believe.

At Portishead Medical Group we will:

P : put our population at the heart of all we do

M : manage resources wisely

G : go the extra mile to promote health and well-being


C : create an honest and open culture

A : actively listen to our population, involve them in decisions about their care

R : research and teach, supporting new treatments and clinicians

E : ensure excellent standards in primary healthcare

S : show that we care

The Patient Charter summarises what we ask our patients to do in return.


We ask all of our patients to support us by:

  • Taking responsibility for your own health and minor ailments.
  • Only ordering the medication that you need, at the right time.
  • Recognising that medicine doesn’t always help.
  • Respecting your fellow patients and practice staff.
  • Attending appointments on time and cancelling appointments if necessary.
  • Being aware that appointments are 10 minutes long.
  • Respecting the constraints that the practice and staff have to work within.